Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Encampment vs. The Bachelor

I just found out I have been chosen to work as Creative Collaborator for The Encampment, an instillation that will be part of the Luminato Festival this Summer.

Fort York during The Encampment. Digital rendering by Thom Sokoloski

The artists behind The Encampment have already done encampment installations in New York, Ottawa, and earlier in Toronto. The premise is that you choose an individual who was in some way involved with The War of 1812, (there is a story bank online from which creative collaborators can choose individual stories) research them, and create an instillation based on this person. Each instillation is made inside of an old-fashioned style camp/military tent, which will be pitched on the grounds of Fort York for the duration of Luminato. There will be 200 tents in total, and the project will be open every evening for the duration of the festival.

Photo by Ryan Mallard - Confinement of the Intellect.

I'm very excited about soon as I heard about it I knew it was something I wanted to be apart of.

It was one of those situations where you think "This activity is exactly suited to my interests. It MUST have been created JUST for me. I must get chosen or I will die."

(Which is funny because that seems to be the premise for every season of 'The Bachelor'- 30 girls who feel that some man who has been haphazardly chosen and shoved in front of the camera is the PERFECT and ONLY man for each of them. Have they never even had one girl who comes on and says "Yeah, he's kind of cute, it was really unique how his interests were working out and prime time TV, we had a nice dinner, but I don't really think we're a good match?").

Anyways - 30 girls in madly in love with one random dude? Strange and terrifying, and consider me skeptical.

More than 200 individuals who are interested in creating an art instillation in an old-timey tent based on a historic person from the war of 1812? Now THIS I can believe, and yes, I am worried about the competition!

Anyways I am very excited about it. There are six weeks of workshops which start soon. I will keep you updated.


  1. I just read the Bachelor is coming to Canada??
    This article has good commentary:

  2. More importantly, the Encampment looks awesome!!
    Congrats to you (and Walter)!
